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The iPhone 4 has been announced at an Apple event on June 7, 2010 and was available for for purchase at the launch on the 24th of the same month. We are currently offering you the ability to sell your iPhone 4 with us and you will see how easy selling your iPhone 4 is here at Cash iPhone. The iPhone 4 is the 4th iPhone model that Apple released and had a unique design that impressed all the consumers and was available in both black and white colors as the previous models and many other features, this model is available with a built-in capacity storage of 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, or 64GB, below are some of the specifications of the iPhone 4. If you have upgraded to another phone or you have an iPhone 4 laying around doing nothing, whatever the reason is, we are here to offer you a very easy way to sell my iPhone 4 that's with any carrier such as AT&t, Sprint, Verizon, and even Unlocked iPhones. It's free, it's easy, and it's fast.
iPhone 4 Specifications
- Weight: 4.83 oz
- Size: 3.5 inches
- Resolution: 640 x 960 pixels
- Battery Life (Stand-by): 12.5 days
- Processor: Single core, 1000MHz
Full specification of the iPhone 4 is available on the official apple website, you can view it by
clicking here.
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